The ‘original steam-free milk frother’ that revolutionised the way we enjoy cappuccino, caffè latte, hot chocolate and milkshakes at home. Supplied with protective travel/storage case and batteries. Individual.
Hand-held, battery-operated device that is designed specifically to produce perfect frothy milk in 20 seconds or less
Can be used to froth all types of milk, including soya, rice, almond, coconut, UHT and powdered (as well as single cream)
Will create a vast array of professional-quality hot and cold drinks such as cappuccino, caffè latte, hot chocolate, frappè, milkshake, cocktails (and many more)
Also ideal for preparing soup, sauces, dressings, omelettes, meringues, custard and various desserts
Spiral whisking head and shaft are made from robust, food-approved, 18/8 stainless steel
Features premium-quality components that ensure exceptional performance and durability
Includes two pre-installed AA alkaline batteries that will provide approximately 150 uses
Easy to clean and maintain - rinse under the tap/faucet and periodically operate in hot, soapy water
Two-year guarantee
Includes a hard-wearing storage tube for protection - ideal for use at parties, picnics, barbecues, on holiday etc